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>Software>Notification Canceller

Notification Canceller

Unnecessary notification cancelable app.

About App and Install

See Google Play Notification Canceller's page.

Supported platforms

Android 5.0 and above.


How to register cancel setting

  1. For "Notification Canceller" monitoring notifications, change OS Settings by dialog on app's first boot.
    (The OS Settings is at "Sound & Notification" -> "Notification access".)
  2. Receive the app's notification for cancel, show it on the history tab.
  3. Touch "Register" on history tab for opening cancel setting dialog.
  4. Set cancel kind.
    *"Notification" is cancel notification.
    *"History" is cancel to save history.
    *"Both" is cancel notification and history.
  5. Set title text and message text which contain in your cancel needed notification.
    *If the notification contains your setting text, cancel condition matched.
    *Blank(NOT space) means any text matching.
    *Using an asterisk(*) character means matching any words.
    For example, setting text "* application updated" matches any number to asterisk(*) part.
    *If you want to set asterisk(*) character itself, escape by backslash(\) like this "\*".
  6. "Don't cancel when the notification is overwritten" is option to resolve this situation: Cancel condition not matched notification overwritten by cancel condition matched notification, these notifications are canceled at the same time. So when overwritten notification is matched cancel condition, do not cancel the notification. The notification is overwritten, but isn't canceled.
    The option is set by default.
  7. Touch "Save" to save cancel condition.
  8. Check your setting on cancel list tab.
  • Canceled notifications are showed by gray background on the history tab.
  • Overwrite notification and not canceled by option setting is showed by yellow background on the history tab.
  • Canceled notification can be invisible by settings.
  • Can't cancel "Ongoing" type notification which user also can't dismiss by manually.

Canceled history tab

  • Canceled notification history is showed.
  • App's icon, name, date, title, message are showed.
  • Unread notification background color is blue.
  • Touching "Open" is same as the notification touching.
  • After OS reboot, "Open" will change to "Open app". (Because it can't be saved to storage.)
  • Touching "Register" is adding cancel condition setting.
  • "Delete" is deleting the notification.

History tab

  • Notification history is showed.
  • App's icon, name, date, title, message are showed.
  • Touching "Open" is same as the notification touching.
  • After OS reboot, "Open" will change to "Open app". (Because it can't be saved to storage.)
  • Touching "Register" is adding cancel condition setting.
  • "Delete" is deleting the notification.

History(App) tab

  • Notification history per app is showed.
  • History per app is expanded by touching app name.
  • The number at the right side of app name is notifications number.
  • Notification's icon, date, title, message are showed.
  • Buttons operation is same as History tab.

Cancel settings tab

  • Cancel condition list is showed.
  • App's icon, name, cancel kind, title condition, message condition are showed.
  • Touching "Edit" is editing cancel condition.
  • Touching "Delete" is deleting cancel condition.

Settings tab

General Show canceled notification Show canceled notification on the history tab. Canceled notification's background is gray. History canceled notification isn't showed.
Save overwritten notification history Some app overwrites notification. If this option is checked, overwritten previous notification is saved to history.
Show this app notification Show this app ongoing notification in a status bar. Monitoring status is showed. Touching the notification can boot this app, then you can check notifications history easily. If unread notification exist, app icon color is changed.
Wake up sleep on notification Additional function. Some devices aren't waking up sleep on a notification. So this app wakes up sleep instead of OS.
Max notification history(10-999) Max notification history number. The too big number may make this app slow.
Support Online manual Show this page.
Write review on Google Play Show this app's Google Play page.
Version Version of this app.
Share Share this app Send this app's Google Play page URL to the another app.
Export & Import Export The cancel settings is exported to the file. Please specify the save folder. The default file name is 'notican_export.dat'. Transfer the exported file to the device you want to import the settings by using e-mail etc.
Import Import from the exported cancel settings file. Please specify the exported file. Merged with the existing cancel settings.
Initialize Initialize notification history Initialize notification history.


Q. Does this app affect battery time?

The process runs on a notification received timing only. So it's not a big effect.


Please contact to here.

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